World Of Dishes

Eat well, feel well!

cinnamon pancakes

Cinnamon Pancakes

Cinnamon Pancakes will transform your breakfast into a celebration of flavors! Imagine biting into a soft, fluffy pancake with a hint of warm cinnamon swirling through each bite.  With just a few common ingredients and some simple steps, you’ll be ready to serve a stack of these aromatic treats that will fill your kitchen with the tempting scent of cinnamon. Let’s spice up your morning with these easy cinnamon pancakes!

Ingredients Cinnamon Pancakes


  1. Whisk together the whole wheat flour, baking soda, cinnamon powder, and salt in a large bowl.
  2. Add the eggs, milk, melted butter, lemon juice, and mashed bananas in another bowl. Stir or blend until smooth.
  3. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Stir until combined; Be careful not to overmix, as this can make the pancakes tough.
  4. Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat and generously brush with some cooking oil. 
  5. Pour batter for each pancake onto the skillet. Cook until bubbles form on the surface of the pancake and the edges begin to look set, about 2 to 3 minutes. 
  6. Flip and cook for another 2 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through.
  7. Serve the pancakes hot, topped with your chosen healthy sweetener, additional banana slices, a dusting of cinnamon, or nuts if desired.


  • The batter texture: It should be thick consistency but still run off it in a slow and steady stream.  Also, you may add more flour or milk if needed.
  • Resting the Batter: Allow the batter to rest for 10-15 minutes before cooking. This rest period allows the flour to absorb the liquid, resulting in fluffier pancakes.
  • Cooking Temperature: Heat your pan over medium-low heat. A consistent, moderate heat ensures even cooking without burning the pancakes.
  • Preheating: the cooking surface before adding the batter. A drop of water  on the pan should sizzle and evaporate.
  •  Lightly Grease the cooking surface with oil or a small amount of butter to prevent sticking and help achieve a golden-brown crust.
  • Portion Control: Spoon or a measuring cup to pour consistent batter onto the griddle to help achieve evenly sized pancakes.
  • Bubbles as Indicator: As the pancakes cook, bubbles will form on the surface. Wait until the edges of the pancakes look set and the bubbles start to pop before flipping. This ensures they are cooked through.
  •  Only flip the pancakes once: Flipping multiple times can make them dense and less fluffy.
  • Cooking Time: Cook each side of the pancake for around 2-3 minutes or until golden brown.

Enjoy delicious and fluffy whole wheat cinnamon pancakes that are a healthier twist on the classic breakfast treat.