World Of Dishes

Eat well, feel well!

Red Grapes Smoothie

Grapes Smoothie

If you’re searching for a refreshing and healthy smoothie recipe to kickstart your day, look no further than the delightful combination of grapes, flax seeds, greens, fruits, and berries in this fantastic Grapes Smoothie Recipe.


Ingredients for Grapes Smoothie


  1. Presoak flax seeds in water for half an hour and pour them into a blender.
  2.  Rinse the grapes thoroughly under cold water to remove dirt, pesticides, or debris.
  3.  Remove stems from each grape and fruit after washing. Simply pinch the stem near the base of the fruit and pull it away. This step ensures that no unwanted parts end up in your smoothie.
  4. Add all the remaining ingredients.
  5. Blend for about one minute until you get a smooth smoothie. 


  • Select ripe grapes that are firm, plump, and free from wrinkles or blemishes. Ripe grapes will have a sweeter taste and blend more easily. 
  •  For a colder and refreshing Grapes Smoothie, freeze the grapes before adding them to the blender. Place the washed and destemmed grapes in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze for a few hours. Once frozen, transfer them to a resealable bag or container for storage.

What fruit goes well with grapes?

Grapes, being sweet and juicy, pair well with a variety of fruits to create delicious flavor combinations. Here are some fruits that complement grapes nicely:

  • Apples: Crisp apples provide a contrasting texture and slightly tart flavor that balances the sweetness of grapes.
  • Citrus fruits: Oranges, mandarins, or grapefruits add a refreshing citrusy flavor that enhances the taste of grapes.
  • Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries create a medley of flavors when combined with grapes, resulting in sweetness and juiciness.
  • Melons: Watermelon or cantaloupe pairs well with grapes because of their juicy and refreshing qualities.
  • Pineapple: The tropical sweetness of pineapple adds a delightful twist when mixed with grapes, offering a low-fruit salad experience.
  • Kiwi: Kiwi’s tangy flavor and vibrant green color create a visually appealing and flavorful combination with grapes.
  • Plums: The  sweet and sour taste, as well as soft texture of plums complement the juicy nature of grapes, making them an excellent choice for pairing.
  • The choice of fruit combination ultimately depends on personal preference and the specific dish or recipe you’re preparing.