World Of Dishes

Eat well, feel well!

Buckwheat Smoothie Bowl

Buckwheat Smoothie Recipe

Buckwheat Smoothie Recipe is a vegan, gluten-free green buckwheat smoothie bowl with a delicious, energizing plant-based protein breakfast.  The main ingredients are raw green buckwheat, bananas, high-antioxidant berries, and other healthy and nutritious ingredients. Buckwheat is a gluten-free grain rich in protein, fiber, and essential minerals. It also adds a nutty flavor and creamy texture to smoothies.

Ingredients Buckwheat Smoothie


  1. First, pre-soak green buckwheat in cold water for five hours or overnight to activate the grains.
  2. Next, rinse pre-soaked buckwheat under cold water to wash excess mucus. Now, the green buckwheat is ready to use.
  3. Put all the ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth.


  • Soak the Buckwheat: Soak raw buckwheat groats overnight in water. This step is crucial as it softens the buckwheat, making it easier to blend and digest. Soaking also helps reduce phytic acid, inhibiting the absorption of minerals.
  • Rinse Well: After soaking, rinse the buckwheat groats thoroughly under running water to remove any sliminess and to ensure they’re clean.
  • Fruits: Choose ripe fruits for natural sweetness and flavor. Bananas, berries, mangoes, and peaches pair well with buckwheat.
  • Vegetables: For an extra nutritional boost, add spinach, kale, or avocado. These will add fiber, vitamins, and a creamy texture.
  • Liquids: For your smoothie, use milk (dairy or plant-based), yogurt, or water as the liquid base. Almond, coconut, or oat milk can add extra flavor and creaminess.
  • Flavor Enhancers: To enhance the flavor of your smoothie, add cinnamon, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, or nut butter.
  • Sweeteners: If you need extra sweetness, add a little honey, maple syrup, or dates
  • Blend in Stages: Blend the buckwheat with the liquid to create a smooth base. Then, add the remaining ingredients and blend again until smooth. If the smoothie is too thick, add more liquid until you reach your desired consistency.
  • Chill: Serve your smoothie cold. Add ice while blending, or chill your fruits and liquid base beforehand.
  • Toppings: For added texture and nutrients, garnish with a sprinkle of buckwheat groats, nuts, seeds, or fresh fruit.
  • Immediate Consumption: Smoothies are best enjoyed immediately after blending to maximize nutrients and freshness.
  • Refrigeration: If you must store it, keep the smoothie in a tightly sealed container in the fridge and consume it within 24 hours.

By following these tips, you can create a nutritious and tasty buckwheat smoothie!